Doris Richardson | Co-Creating Your Intentional Conscious Community

You're invited to be part of a unique support community where connection, belonging and education provide better understanding of the gifts and day to day opportunities to nurture and empower children, teens and adults with high sensitivities.

The Highly Sensitive, Empathic & Creatively Gifted Population The Highly Sensitive, Empathic & Creatively Gifted Person comprises over 20% of the population. They are born with a nervous system that is highly aware and quick to react to their environment. These children are astutely responsive to their surroundings, whether it is the lighting, sounds, smells and feel the overall mood of the people around them. The HSECG Child has a sharpened sense of awareness, highly empathic, often gifted intellectually with soaring creatively. Emotionally HSECG's demonstrate genuine compassion at very early ages. Their luminous eyes are a reflection of the inner radiance of a more highly evolved spiritual nature.

The Highly Sensitive, Empathic & Creatively Gifted Child, Teen and Adult As a highly sensitive empathic & creatively gifted adult, parent of an HSECG, grandmother to a most prescious HSECG and member of numerous groups of adults with high sensitivities – I have a deep understanding of the talents, imagination, soaring creativity and deep empathic nature of this gifted population. As a retired educator and Founding Director of 6 award winning math/science/leadership high schools, I understand the nuances required in establishing an environment where each child is provided the tools to embrace their authentic selves, innate abilities to discover and manifest each of their unique passions and gifts in life.

Parental Education Please know that there is nothing wrong with your HSECG child. They have much going on beneath the surface. Their body is absorbing everything in their environment – including electronics. Dealing with adult emotions and stress for a baby/child is like listening to and absorbing acid rock music blaring 24/7. Please understand and digest that statement. Sensitive babies think that these toxic adult emotions/feelings are their own and don't know what to do with them. The only defense their little bodies have is to intensely cry it out – it sounds like a mixture of intense crying and coughing at the same time. Place your hand on their little solar plexus area until they cry it out. If you have an HSECG baby and the above statement resonates with you, place the palm of your hand on their solar plexus area and gently provide some support for them. Honestly, it's the same principle as using a thunder shirt for your dog during loud electrical storms.

I'm committed to providing parental education, plus an empowering environment to nurture the care and feeding of HSEGC's. Many times, HSEGC's are misunderstood, misdiagnosed and mis-categorized. The majority of HSECG's are conceptual thinkers and many times are late talkers. It is my sincere belief that too many doctors are far too quick in diagnosing/categorizing/labeling toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger's Syndrome and/or ADHD. It is far more complicated to express concepts than single word responses. Give them time, your patience and unconditional assurance that you know they will talk when they're ready. Most importantly, let them know that you value their intuitiveness, sensitivity, compassion and creativity. If a parent doesn't place a value on their child's special gifts they will atrophy. When we're given innate gifts and they are not developed, it places a sense of stress and frustration within a child. They crave these special outlets. Like a person with a beautiful singing voice not honoring/sharing their special gift. God gives us these gifts for a reason. They are integral parts of our life purpose.

It's important for parents to be patient and support the HSEGC child while they learn to organize, implement and transform their deep thoughts into words. Einstein didn't speak until he was 4 years old.

Dr. Thomas Sowell even coined the term "Einstein Syndrome" to describe exceptionally bright people whose speech is delayed. Each of us process information in different ways using different learning modalities. An HSECG's giftedness stems from their deep and empathic sensitivities. As with any gifted person, they must be provided an informed and nurturing environment, as they grow and learn to implement and integrate their acute awareness and perceptive abilities. Highly sensitive people are most often highly successful, specifically because of their creative, empathic and perceptive temperament. Famous HSECG's are Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., Leonardo da Vinci, Einstein, Vincent Van Gogh, Salvador Dali, Georgia O'Keefe, Picasso, Frida Kahlo and Frank Lloyd Wright, Steve Martin, Mozart, Elton John and Robert Frost and Rudolph, the most famous reindeer of all, to name just a few.

Please know that as an educator, I abhor labels because they completely limit a person's understanding and appreciation of their true authentic nature. If parents take a particular label at face value, it can sabotage the long term vision they hold for their child's future potential. I use them only to provide our brains a starting point to a deeper comprehension. When conversing with a parent, child, teen or adult it is always more productive to talk about observed behaviors.

Creating an Intentional Community

Let's come together in person and/or electronically to co-create an intentional, conscious community that uses a more holistic approach to educate, support and empower our HSEGC children, their parents, as well as HSECG adults.. It's imperative to receive the informed education and support each other's needs to more easily foster happy, strong, sensitive children and self-actualized adults. Providing the necessary tools and understanding the specific dynamics of their giftedness, insures their ability to function well in any school, social or professional environment that they choose. Let's co-create an informed community that values the traits of people with high sensitivities: their towering creativity, intense focus, careful conscientiousness, empathetic kindness, and the ability to understand the world around them very deeply. With our understanding and informed support, our Highly Sensitive, Empathic & Creatively Gifted Children/Teens/Adults can become the peace keepers, scientists, inventors, musicians, artists and way showers they are destined to become.

My mission is to provide education and support to parents of sensitive babies/children/teens, as well as HSEGC adults through meetings, public speaking engagements, workshops focused on the care and nurturing of sensitives as well as other respected HSEGC professionals. I will provide effective tools for maintaining emotional balance to children/teens/adults that empower them to recognize their own unique energy signature and immediately feel when they are internalizing other people's emotions and stress. There are many other tools and skills to empower both parents/children/teens/adults to ensure and support a more balanced, happy, fulfilled lifestyle for the entire family.

Doris Richardson Founding Director, IPAA Education Center, Education Consultant, Conscious Community Consultant, B.A. Early Childhood Development, Gifted/Talented, Special Education Pioneer Life Purpose Facilitator & Coach, Quantum Healing Practitioner Thought Leader: Highly Sensitive, Empathic & Creatively Gifted, Unity Consciousness Facilitator, Certified HeartThread Practitioner, Compassionate Activist, Public Speaking & Writer

Co-Creating Community for Highly Sensitive, Empathic & Creatively Gifted Children,Teens, Adults

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